4 اكياس الضغط تقلص الحجم لغاية 75 % لحفظ الملابس والامتعه وتخزينها Space Bag
السعر: 15 دينار اردني
الطقم مكون من 4 اكياس
حل التخزين الأول في العالم ! أكياس الضغط تقلص الحجم لغاية 75 % من الحجم الأصلي للمنتجات و تساعدك على الحصول على مساحة أكبر لتخزين فائض الملابس و الوسادات و حتى المفارش! إنها فعلا ابتكار رائع فهي تحفظ مقتنياتك الثمينة طوال أشهر.
ذات تصميم فريد يحافط و يقي محتوياتها من البلل و الغبار و الأتربة و الحشرات المؤذية. نوفر لك تشكيلة واسعة بكافة الأحجام لتلائم جميع احتياجك.
تخزين سهل ضعي الملابس في كيس التخزين ثما اغلقيه ثما قومي بسحب الهواء عن طريق مكنسة الكهرباء
متوفر جميع الاحجام
110x 90 سم
110x 80 سم
100x 70 سم
Space Saver Vacuum Seal Storage Bags for clothes
When you want the very best Space Saver Vacuum Seal Storage Bags for clothes for your big, bulky items that need to be stored for the season - or if you're traveling and want to be as efficient as possible - these are the bags to get. The jumbo
110x 90 CM
110x 80 CM
100x 70 CM
is the first thing you'll notice. And you can fit ANYTHING and EVERYTHING in these bags! Even the biggest duvet, blanket, or giant beach towels fit snugly in these bags! The unique double-zip seal and the triple-seal turbo valve give you the absolute best air-tight suction and sealing power of any comparable bags like these on the market. You get every single last ounce of air out of the bags, and none of it seeps back in. Other bags can't say that. Our roomy bags give you 80% more room than others. There's simply no reason not to get these! And to make the deal even sweeter, we're throwing in a free travel pump so that when you finish your holiday and it's time to come home, you simply re-pack all your clothes into the Space Saver Vacuum Storage Bags, use the travel pump, and your travel space saver vacuum storage bags jumbo will easily fit into one piece of luggage! These are the very BEST vacuum storage bags you can buy. The anti-mildew, anti-microbial, anti-mold, and WATER TIGHT features make these bags the BEST overall, for any purpose and under any conditions. Insects stay out so your clothes don't get damaged!
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