خدمة العملاء : 962798579791+

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النشافة العجيبة مجففة الملابس الكهربائية المتنقلة Blotter strange dried clothes Air-O-Dry

السعر: 36 دينار اردني

 سهلة الأستخدام وفعالة وعملية الافضل والاسرع لتنشيف و تعقيم ملابس الاطفال و الكبار
 تنشف الملابس بطريقة تحافظ على رونق الملابس من التلف
 تحتوي على مضخة وخيمة بلاستيكية
 تحتوي على علاقات داخلية لتعليق الملابس لاستيعاب كميات كبيرة ويمكن اضافة الاحذية ايضا
قوة 600 وات










EasyGo Dryer is the quick and easy way to conveniently dry all of your clothes. EasyGo Dryer offers 360 degrees whirlwind of hot air giving better air distribution helping to dry garments quickly. Dryer works for up to three hours on a timer and time also can be selected from 15 minutes to 60 minutes. The EasyGo Dryer detachable folding design saves space and makes it easy to transport by car or airplane. The EasyGo Dryer has 3 hanging racks so you can hang multiple shirts, pants and undergarments at the same time. The EasyGo Dryer is gentle and will not damage valuable clothing like traditional spinning washing machines. EasyGo Dryer comes ready with hangers and hooks to hang your clothes. There's no wear and tear, no shrinkage, no wrinkles and is suitable for any kind of fabric. To wash your clothes check out our other item EasyGoWasher.



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