ماكينة صنع وعمل الايس كريم فى المنزل يوناناس Yonanas ice cream maker
السعر: 35 دينار
تعد ماكينة صنع وعمل الايس كريم فى المنزل يوناناس احدث تكنولوجيا لصناعة الايس كريم فى العالم
فهى تمنحك ايس كريم صحى دون اى اضافات وبدون مواد حافظة
اصنعى الايس كريم المفضل لديكى حسب نوع الفاكهة المثلجة فى دقائق قليلة
محبب جدا للكبار والصغار ومفيد جدا خاصة للذين يتبعون نظام غذائى محدد
سهلة الاستخدام والتنظيف
Yonanas Frozen Healthy Dessert Maker – 100% Fruit Soft-Serve Maker (Black and Silver)
Yonanas Frozen Healthy Dessert Maker
100% Fruit Soft-Serve Maker
Easily create yummy tasting treats by adding any combination of chocolate, or fruits like over-ripe bananas, berries, or mango to the chute for a smooth "ice-cream" like taste.
Use Yonanas to turn desserts into yummy goodness! Make simple, elegant homemade desserts like cakes, pies, bon bons and sorbets. Perfect for entertaining guests, snacks for the kids, or a yummy anytime treat.
Create delicious treats without the hassle of cleanup; as the chute, plunger, and blade are dishwasher safe.
Low Calorie
A bowl of Simply Yonanas (1/2 C serving) has approximately 100 calories.
Make Your Own Superfood
Add other fruits and nuts like raspberries, strawberries, blueberries, peanuts, almonds to the base of bananas.
Kids Love It
Yonanas is a great way to introduce fruit (or even veggies) into your kids diet, at any time of the day.
Fruit Soft Serve Machine
Easily create yummy tasting treats by adding any combination of chocolate, or fruits like over-ripe bananas, berries, or mango to the chute for a smooth "ice-cream" like taste.
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