Car vacuum cleaner with 4 accessories and lighting Car cleaning vacuum cleaner for dry and wet use
A 12-volt hand-operated hand-operated hand-held vacuum cleaner features LED lighting
A 5 meter long cable provides easy access to all areas of the car
A transparent container allows you to see the dirt and to know when to dump
A quick button allows opening the tank container to remove the dirt
A long hose with a wide nozzle makes it easy to reach remote places easily, while the flexible hose and brush brush the hard areas with ease
Ergonomic design for use
Includes flexible hose, long tool for critical places, brush
The car lighter works to clean the car and pull the dirt in double dry and wet condition
Flexible and long hose to reach hard places
Easy to carry
Power Operating 12 Volts - 120 Watts
Length of the wire Cable: 5 meters It can be used to clean the front row as well as the back row
Additional parts:
Hose to pull dirt
Suction, dust extraction and dust removal brush
Small head to reach narrow spaces such as: between seats
A tapered head is used to empty bags of air
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