جهاز مساج الجسم وتنظيف البشرة 5 وظائف Beauty care massager 5 in 1
السعر: 15 دينار اردني
جهاز يستخدم في مساج الجسم وتنظيف الوجه واليد يحتوي على 5 قطع باشكال مختلفة
يحتوي فرشاة تنظيف للبشرة وايضا حجر جلخ لتنظيف الجلد الميت بأجزاء الجسم
قطعة لتوزيع الكريم والمكياج على البشرة
تقشير خلايا الجلد الميتة للكشف عن بشرة شابة
تدليك وتطبيق كريم لاختراق أفضل الجلد وابقائه التغذية ورطب.
إزالة الخلايا و الجلد الميت والجاف تحت الأقدام أو الكوع
اللاتكس اسفنجة ناعمة لتدليك العين والخد
صغيرة ومحمولة آمنة
بيوتي كير للعناية بالبشرة والجسم
يعمل ب 2 بطارية صغيرة
يحتوي الجهاز على 5 قطع
Facial Brush As Seen on Tv 5 in 1 Multi-function Portable Facial Skin Care Electric Massager Scrubber with Facial Latex Brush Cosmetic Sponge
Advanced cleansing system keeps a good effectiveness as skin professionals sold. Meet your need of both cleaning and massage on face or body. You will get: 5 pcs massaging heads with different function to meet your all cleansing needs, Effectively clean through your pore, prevent whelk and fade the black eye. Different rotating heads that help you achieve beautifully clear and radiant skin by gently loosening and removing dirt, excess oils,exfoliating dead skin cells that cause clogged pores,thereby reducing the size of your pores,increasing circulation,stimulating tissue regeneration and collagen production which reduces fine lines and wrinkles. Use daily to achieve and maintain clean,smooth,soft,and more youthful appearance! It comes with 5 different heads to fit different request, and all heads can rotate 360 degrees Modeling beautiful, not changing form, high temperature resistant,do not harm the Skin Suitable for daily use . It is suitable for all types of skins. Smooth skin texture, skin refresh Compact lightweight facial brush about L:5.25"xW:1.75" 206g, Easily to put this cleanser kit into your handbag,idea for home and travel use. Functions: Exfoliating tough skin;massaging eyes and cheeks;remove make up and acne;anti aging with a better blood circumstance;clear the scurf clings, micro abrasion collagen cleanser. Does NOT come with batteries !
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