جهاز تبيض الاسنان وايت لايت White Light
السعر: 19 دينار اردني
جهاز تبيض الأسنان نتائج خلال 10 دقائق يعمل بالبطاريات
جهاز تبييض الاسنان بيَض أسنانك بمنزلك والذي يحتوي على 2 معجون مبيض بنكهة النعناع والقرفة
شفاف جهاز ليزر " بلو لد زوم " الان بييض أسنانك في المنزل وكل ذلك خلال 10 دقائق فقط
لن تذهب الى عياده الأسنان لتدفع مبالغ طائله لتبييض أسنانك
جهاز تبييض الأسنان مع جهازالأضاءه يعمل بالبطاريه
يعمل جيدا على بقع القهوه والتدخين والمشروبات الغازيه
طريقه سريعه أمنه وتدوم لوقت طويل
White Light Teeth Whitening System
Yellowing teeth can sometimes be unappealing. Don't let a set of yellowing teeth hinder you from giving out a million-dollar smile, let the White Light Teeth Whitening System be your road towards showing off those gorgeous teeth!
More convenient than Dentist appointments
White Light Teeth Whitening incorporates light technology, the latest way of teeth whitening in dental science. If you've ever worried about paying a hefty amount of money for a bleaching appointment with your dentist, the White Light System can save you time, money, and effort put into whitening your munchers. No longer do you have to go through appointments, you can lighten your teeth quickly and easily at the comfort of your own home.
Reliable teeth whitening
It removes surface discoloration and goes deeper for embedded stains. While other systems take days to show improvement, White Light only takes around ten minutes. This means you can rely on this product to quickly whiten your teeth for emergency dates or meetings. Its process is also very gentle unlike abusive bleaching systems that leave your teeth sensitive.
It's quick, it's easy, it's portable. All you need to do is insert the tray, add the light and put it on, and enjoy the satisfaction of a pearly-white smile!
Flashy those pearly whites confidently with the help of the White Light Teeth Whitening System. Even better, improve your overall dental health by getting other hygiene essentials from Lazada's Health and Beauty section.
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