حذاء مساج و تدليك القدمين الطبي بالابر راحه اجزاء الجسم ازالة الارهاق و التوتر Massage Slipper Shoes Rotating Accupressure Foot Slippers for Men Women
السعر: 19 دينار
حذاء التدليك الطبي يحسن الدورة الدموية ويزيل الإرهاق يزيل السموم يحسن توازن الغدد الصماء يحسن عملية الايض ويساعد على بقاء الشباب يحسن النوم ويخفف من التوتر العصبي
يتميز بتكنولوجيا الصعود و النزول للابر
شبشب تدليك الارجل بالتناوب العلاج بالابر القدم النعال للرجال و النساء
اللون الاسود
متوفر جميع المقاسات
Massage Slipper Shoes Rotating Accupressure Foot Slippers for Men Women
1. Material: rubber sole, silicone massage buttons, breathable adjustable surface.
2. Size: One size, 10.2-10.6 inch long
3. According to human engineering, the massage slippers are designed with scientific acupoint, totally 78 massage buttons composite a foot shape, stimulating foot vital point.
4. They will hurt your feet until you get used to them, so just wear them until you work up to 10 minutes. Then you wear them for hours, going up and down and they work great if you have back pain and other pain. If you do not walk well or steady do not buy them, because you have to have a healthy walk to get results.
5. They work also for Arthritis and headaches.
6. Apparently, it's precisely the initial discomfort that signifies just how much you need them and which areas of the body require a little work.
7. Reduces stress and tension in neck and shoulders; Reflexology /Acupuncture therapy effortlessly and inexpensively everyday!
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