جهاز تشكيل الشعر و عمل جدائل و ظفائر للشعر اتوماتيكي Babyliss Twist Secret Hair Curler
السعر: 26 دينار
بيبي ليس جهاز مبتكر لصنع جدائل (ضفائر) الشعر بسهولة تامه
جهاز اتوماتيكي مبتكر لعمل جدائل ( ضفائر ) الشعر بسهولة تامه
سهل الأستعمال ومناسب لجميع أنواع الشعر
لا داعي للعناء بعد الان مع جهاز الضفائر يمكنك ابتكار تسريحات مختلفه
سرعه في الاداء ويلف الشعر في الاتجاهين
فتحتين واسعتين لادخال الشعر
امن في الاستعمال ولا يقطع الشعر
يعمل بالبطاريات غير مدرجة
Babyliss Twist Secret Hair Curler
The new Twist Secret of BaByliss be quickly and effortlessly twisted individual braids. To do this, 2 strands into the holes and twist them around each other, either individually or, at your own convenience. For maximum fun styling combining the hairstyles with the additionally available Accessories, such as hair, head and hair ornaments. The twist function make quickly and effortlessly braids are twisted and you can set your hair smoothly and comfort. You can change your like wavy hair style, curling style and natural hair style very flexibly and speedily. With the curl secret patented ergonomic and wide hair strands catcher with different curly styles. It is suitable for long hair, short hair, medium hair, wet hair and thin hair. This device have wide hair strand catcher it is suitable for long hair. This hair curler make shine hair and smooth hair effect. This make your hair professional look.
Twist function: quickly and effortlessly braids are twisted
Twisting individual strands and two strands around each other
Two wide openings to insert the strands
Battery operated (2x AA)
LED display on / off
The Twist Secret Automatic Twister
Synergy with Curl Secret
Patented ergonomic and
Wide hair strands catcher
Included in the packaging:
1 Twist Secret
10 threads
8 beads
4 elastics
8 clamps
AA Batteries x2
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